GSA & MTS – Will Save You Money in 2018

In call accounting software, telecom expense management, EMM, managed services, strategic procurement

TEM Suite Receives 2016 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award

TMC, a global, integrated media company, named MTS's TEM Suite as a recipient of a 2016 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award.

Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC stated that “TEM Suite is truly an innovative product and is amongst the best solutions brought to market in the past twelve months that facilitates business-transforming voice, data and video communications...”


The Importance of Wireless Help Desk and eProcurement

Let’s face it, the sheer number and types of wireless devices and their associated mobile apps in use in the enterprise can easily overwhelm a traditional IT support help desk. Wireless services are the fastest growing part of a company’s communication expenses. iPhones, Android phones, MiFi devices, smart watches, IoT devices, wireless tablets and laptops are now commonplace in the enterprise. Employees rely on wireless devices and mobile applications more than ever before and as a result their support needs, and SUPPORT COSTS are increasing dramatically.

Add in other complexities like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs, the challenges of preventing Shadow IT – employees bypassing IT processes to procure products and services not under corporate management, and it’s easy to understand why mobility needs to be properly managed by mobility experts. This is where managed wireless help desk services, eProcurement and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) come into play.

Wireless Help Desk Services
Learn More About Our Wireless Help Desk Services

In help desk, EMM, MaaS

TEM Suite Receives 2016 INTERNET TELEPHONY Product of the Year Award

TMC, a global, integrated media company, named MTS's TEM Suite as a recipient of a 2016 INTERNET TELEPHONY Product of the Year Award.

Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. stated that “In the opinion of our distinguished judges, MTS TEM Suite has proven to be among the best communications and technology solutions available on the market. I look forward to continued innovation from MTS.”


TEM Suite Receives 2014 INTERNET TELEPHONY Product of the Year Award