The Importance of Wireless Help Desk and eProcurement

Posted by John Venditti on Aug 2, 2016 11:01:35 AM

In help desk, EMM, MaaS

Let’s face it, the sheer number and types of wireless devices and their associated mobile apps in use in the enterprise can easily overwhelm a traditional IT support help desk. Wireless services are the fastest growing part of a company’s communication expenses. iPhones, Android phones, MiFi devices, smart watches, IoT devices, wireless tablets and laptops are now commonplace in the enterprise. Employees rely on wireless devices and mobile applications more than ever before and as a result their support needs, and SUPPORT COSTS are increasing dramatically.

Add in other complexities like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs, the challenges of preventing Shadow IT – employees bypassing IT processes to procure products and services not under corporate management, and it’s easy to understand why mobility needs to be properly managed by mobility experts. This is where managed wireless help desk services, eProcurement and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) come into play.

A wireless help desk solution should include 24x7 support services staffed with highly trained mobility experts armed with the latest enterprise mobility tool set.

 This tool set should include:

  • A ticketing system to track issues and monitor SLAs
  • A self-help portal for employees that includes instructions, FAQs, and self-help videos
  • An eProcurement portal for employee moves, adds and changes to their devices and services
  • An asset management system that tracks all the characteristics of each mobile asset
  • An MDM or Mobile Device Management solution for security and corporate compliance
  • The ability to manage a BYOD or similar program
  • Device kitting and logistics programs – setting up the devices prior to delivering them to the end user, and the ability to manage an emergency spare pool for immediate or overnight device replacement
  • A secure device recycling program
  • Full 3600 visibility via actionable dashboards, alerts and reports

In part 2 of this article, we’ll break-down and explore each of these wireless help desk services. We’ll highlight why they are important to the enterprise, as well as to the end user. We’ll also detail some proven best practices deigned to reduce support costs, improve end user satisfaction, and enforce corporate policy and compliance.

In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about the MTS Wireless Help Desk Services or our full Mobility-as-a-Service solution, you can contact us at +1-201-421-2260 or email us at



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