Wireless (mobile, cell) and wireline phones in the US are basically the same: same area code, same cost if you call a wireless or landline, and there is unlimited local phone plans. Wireless calling plans charge you minutes whether the call is outgoing or incoming.
For Europe, with France as an example, wireless numbers start with a 06 prefix wherever you are in France. The cost to call mobile phones is much more expensive, and cell phone calling plans charge you minutes only for outgoing calls.
To really simplify an answer .... it's not a technical problem.
Networks are built in the US almost exactly the same way they are built in Europe. Wireless mobility devices use a different frequency in Europe (900/1800 Mhz), than in the US (850/1900 Mhz). The big difference is in rate tariffs or usage charges. Europe uses a calling party pays system which makes the cost of using a mobile device to receive calls near zero cost. While in the US the predominant plan is Mobile Party Pays.
Many European calls are made based on a metered plan, while US calls tend to be unlimited for land-lines, or with very low long distance rates. So it's "business decision" factors not "technical infrastructure design" factors driving the differences people see.
If you're in the US and are looking for the most cost effective cell phone for your specific needs .... use the "Best Rate Calculator" tool here: Cheap Cell Phone There's also a service listed at the website above which gives you a SIM card you can use globally to cut your costs while traveling on business or for pleasure. It's called OneSim.